soft tissue fillers

multimodal neck 

Effects of non-surgical reconstruction of the facial anatomy in healthy males

the evaluation of a four-modality approach for the rejuvenation of the neck: a series of case reports

Ageing of the neck is a multifactorial process that results in skin dyspigmentation, laxity, rhytides, loss of the mandibular contour, widening of the cervicomental angle, accumulation of submental fat, volume loss, and prominence of platysmal bands. Thus, rejuvenation of the neck often requires a multimodal approach to address these multiple facets of ageing.


Aging of the neck is a multifactorial process that results in skin dyspigmentation, laxity, rhytides, loss of the mandibular contour, widening of the cervicomental angle, accumulation of submental fat, volume loss, and prominence of platysmal bands [12]. Thus, rejuvenation of the neck often requires a multimodal approach to address these multiple facets of aging. In a recently published study Doh et al. demonstrated that a single-day combination treatment with microfocused ultrasound with visualization (MFU-V), neuromodulators, and filler injections for neck rejuvenation in Asians is effective as determined by three blinded evaluators [17]. Nevertheless, the aging of the neck (e.g., skin thickness and fat accumulation pattern) differ in Asians and other ethnicities, giving reason to evaluate this multimodal approach in a Caucasian based population. Moreover, quantification of this approach is warranted for more robust conclusions.

The aim of this study is to evaluate efficacy and satisfaction of a multimodal approach of neck rejuvenation. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of a 4-modality neck rejuvenation technique using Ulthera system (Ultherapy Inc. Mesa, AZ, USA), IncobotulinetoxinA (Bocouture, Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany), Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA; Radiesse®, Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany) and a visco-elastic cross-linked hyaluronic acid (Belotero soft®, Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany).
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