01 - Podcast
inject experience
Podcast series by Jani van Loghem
Episode 01
Dr. Nikola Milojevic - on TAMC Congress
In this first UMA Academy podcast, dr. Jani van Loghem, interviews Dr Nikola Milojevic about his incredibly successful and authentic congress: The Aesthetic Medicine Congress (TAMC) with high focus on fillers, botulinum toxin and regenerative medicine. The recording took place on site in Dubrovnik.
Episode 02
Dr. Gladstone Faria - on Fillers for the Temples
Interview with Dr. Gladstone Faria about the details of fillers for the temples. During the Facial Makeover congress that was held in Brasilia, Brazil on April 21-22, 2023, Dr. Jani van Loghem took the opportunity to talk to dr. Gladstone Faria, plastic surgeon from Sao Paolo, Brazil. Dr. Gladstone has published a lot on facial anatomy and has a specific interest in the anatomy and filler treatment techniques of the temples.
Episode 03
Dr. Nabil Fakih - on blending HA and CaHA
In this episode recorded during Facial Makeover in Brasilia, Brazil on April 23, 2023, dr. Jani van Loghem interviews dr. Nabil Fakih, maxillofacial surgeon from Lebanon / Spain about his innovation of blending HA and CaHA to create a hybrid filler with unique properties. He discusses many ways on how to mix for which kind of indications and how his invention has changed the world of aesthetics.
Episode 04
Professor Martina Kerscher - on Skin Quality
During the Merz Aesthetics Masterclass in Stockholm, Professor Martina Kerscher talked about her career as a professor in dermatology, heading the department of Cosmetic Sciences at the University of Hamburg, where she conducts pioneering research in the field of aesthetic medicine. As the highest authority in the field, she gave her definition of Skin Quality.
Episode 05
Dr. John Leonardo - on Penile Augmentation
During dr Jani van Loghem's Canadian Train the Trainer road show for Merz Aesthetics trainers, he had the opportunity to interview dr. John Leonardo from Toronto. Dr. Leonardo is an anesthesiologist by training and is working in both aesthetics and sexual health as well.
Episode 06
Dr. Vincent Richer - on Brow Shapes & Acne Scars
During the Merz Aesthetics Train the Trainer roadshow, Dr. Jani van Loghem had the opportunity in Vancouver to interview dr. Vincent Richer. He is a board certified dermatologist who came to work in the aesthetic field through his experience with lasers and incorporated injectables after seeing the aesthetic results of laser treatments for medical reasons. Vincent is now an emerging global leader and shares his innovative research on brow shapes and his upcoming project on acne scars.
Episode 07
Ryan Bougeois & Hayle Gulilat - on being an Expert Nurse Practitioner in America
In this 7th UMA Academy podcast, Jani van Loghem had the opportunity to interview Ryan Bougeois and Hayle Gulilat, two of America's most advanced filler expert nurse practitioners on their individual aesthetic journeys, personal successes and struggles in the aesthetic world. The interview took place late in the evening in Jani's house in Amsterdam after the completion of a two-day intense Radiesse Expert Techniques hands-on training for which they had traveled form Dallas to The Netherlands.
Episode 08
Dr. Niamh Corduff - on Regenerative Aesthetics
In this 8th UMA Academy podcast, dr. Niamh Corduff talks about where aesthetic medicine is going. As a plastic surgeon, she's very passionate about understanding the body's intrinsic power to heal itself and unlock its regenerative potential. We go in depth on biocues, scaffolds, regenerative cells and exosomes. We discussed the different paths the immune system can choose: repair or regenerate.
Episode 09
Dr. Fernando Felice - on Becoming the Best
Dr. Fernando Felice is sharing his ideas on what it takes to be a good aesthetic doctor. Essentially, it comes down to continuous learning, especially about anatomy and aging. And it's also about passion for what you do. Because only then will you invest all that necessary time into diving into the field of aesthetic medicine. For example, a good aesthetic physician wants to know where in the face the danger zones are, superficial and deep, we want to understand how the anatomy changes in time and how individuals differ in this process.
Episode 10
Dr. Sonja Sattler on skin quality, facial assessment and genuine interest in her patients
Dr. Sonja Sattler, dermatologist and researcher, is an international Key Opinion Leader, clinical researcher and owner of Rosenpark Clinic in Germany. She shared her passion on teaching, improving skin quality of her patients and connecting with them on a personal level. We discussed her experiences with different biostimulatory products like PLLA and CaHA and why we should refrain from being early adaptors when it comes to new injectable products.
Episode 11
Dr. Wilson Ho on Asian beauty ideals in the post-COVID era
Dr. Wilson Ho is the president of the Hong Kong association of cosmetic surgery. Dr Jani van Loghem and dr Wilson Ho talked about their shared passion of teaching cadaver filler anatomy courses as the one they did together at the Hong Kong University for Merz Aesthetics. We talked about regenerative medicine applications in aesthetic medicine. Dr. Ho discussed the evolution of Asian beauty ideals in the last 10 years and how these ideals shifted from trying to look for the ideal proportions, to individualized beauty in the post-COVID time. And we talked about another passion of him: wine.
Episode 12
Dr. Tingsong Lim on regenerative aesthetics, stem cells, exosomes, polynucleotides and bioresonance
Dr. Tingsong Lim from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is a well known aesthetic physician and KOL in the global aesthetic arena. During his AMSC congress, dr. Jani van Loghem managed to catch him during his full schedule and talk to him about where aesthetic medicine is going. Tingsong talked passionately about his ideas on regenerative aesthetics, stem cells, exosomes, polynucleotides and bioresonance. The gap between traditional Chinese medicine and evidence based medicine is slowly closing while the developments are progressing.
Episode 13
Dr. Julieta Spada from Argentina about treatment of Sunken Upper Eyelids, The A-frame Deformity and Superior Orbital Sulcus with diluted hybrid filler
Dr. Julieta Spada from Buenos Aeres is a globally recognized dermatologist specialized in aesthetic dermatology. She is known for her innovative technique of rejuvenating the eyes by injecting fillers in the upper eyelid area, the Sunken Upper Eyelids, The A-frame Deformity amd Superior Orbital Sulcus. She has shifted to using a diluted hybrid filler consisting of diluted calcium hydroxylapatite and CPM hyaluronic acid. She also shares a very smart pearl on toxin induced reversing levator ptosis ;-)
She is one of the key faculty members of the 2- day UMA Academy Master Course titled "Periorbital filler and Oculoplastic Anatomy"
Episode 14
Dr. Jessy Cheung on nonsurgical genital enhancement for men and women
When in the US, I had a very interesting chat with Dr. Jessy Cheung, dermatologist practicing in New York and Chicago. She explained her innovations on penile, vaginal and perineal genital enhancement using lasers, toxins, fillers, PRP, exosomes, shockwave, fat transfer as well as hormone and peptide therapy. Ever heard of Bocox and Otox and Clitox? Also talked about music, partying and in-n-out burgers!
Episode 15
Dr. Gideon Kwok on male aesthetics and artistry in aesthetic medicine
In this episode, recorded in Salt Lake City, I had the opportunity to talk to dr. Gideon Kwok. In this episode, we talk about the value of standard protocols for beginner injectors, and stepping away from the standard protocols to fuel the artistry in our field. What makes a face attractive and beautiful? His pearl to develop your aesthetic eye? Put on a pair of dark sunglasses and stare at people!
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