Bunny lines can be a cute feature in a face, giving a kind of cheeky look. But they can also be evidence of toxin treatment of the glabella.
Various muscles may contribute to gummy smile, especially the LLSAN. It contributes also to a deeper nasolabial fold and therefor relaxing the LLSAN muscle in the inferior part can also reduce the NLF.
Some patients have very active nose tip depressor action when smiling. The depressor septi nasi muscle can be treated to prevent this unwanted look.
Radial lip lines, also referred to as "smokers lines" are a very common frustration for many patients, especially with women who don't have the strong mustache hairs as men do. The dynamic component is significant, so relaxation of the orbicularis oris muscle with botulinum toxin can be an effective way to treat these wrinkles.
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