aesthetic surgery


periorbital filler
& oculoplastic

Following last year’s great success, we are proud to announce the 2025 edition of the UMA Academy Periorbital Filler and Oculoplastic Anatomy Symposium. We've set–up a program packed with periorbital and oculoplastic demonstrations performed by a multidisciplinary team of experts.

This is your chance to gain the latest clinical and academic insights into periorbital anatomy, filler injection techniques and oculoplastic surgery. Knowledge and deep understanding of the 3-dimensional anatomy is key in preventing complications. Understanding the correct safest treatment techniques will result in lower risk of complications.

The symposium is a full day event and it will take place on 7 March 2025 in the beautiful Anatomiegebouw in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

€ 550


about this symposium

An international multidisciplinary team of expert faculty will present the latest academic and practical insights concerning filler injection techniques, surgical oculoplastic techniques and periorbital anatomy during live patient treatments and live demonstrations on cadaver specimens.
Real cadaver dissections and treatments can give the clinician the anatomical insights that cannot be attained by reading books or studying images or videos. Actually seeing and knowing the anatomy not only serves as the most valuable element of prevention of complications, but will be of the highest value in treatment of complications, should they occur.

  • a uniquely condensed program set–up by the best in the field
  • live patient treatments and cadaver dissections
  • the latest academic insights and new clinical techniques
  • meet your peers and share knowledge

course level: advanced

This course is intended for physicians with significant experience in aesthetic procedures, either surgical or non-surgical. If licensed in your country to independently perform these procedures, in some cases (prescribing) nurses or dentists could also apply.

Please note: in The Netherlands, nurses and dentists are not allowed to perform these procedures and will not be permitted to enter the course. 

sponsored by:

symposium program

The important anatomical structures for surgical as well as nonsurgical periorbital rejuvenation are demonstrated during cadaver dissections by our academic anatomist. Special attention is given to peri- and intraorbital arterial anatomy, nervous anatomy as well as muscular and ligamentous anatomy.

day 1

07 mar

stay tuned

Details on our forthcoming symposium program and esteemed faculty will be announced shortly.

The following day there's a unique opportunity to practice all the insights and techniques demonstrated in our Master Course: Oculoplastic and Periorbital Filler Anatomy. It's a unique opportunity to immediately put your newfound knowledge to the test. Attendance of the Symposium is included in the price for this training. This will be a very exclusive Master Course – only 20 seats available in total.

general information


7 March 2025


Lunch & drinks


Bekkerstraat 141, 3572 SG
Utrecht, The Netherlands

travel and general inquiries

Contact us for corporate rates of the main luxury hotels near the course location.

In case you have any dietary requests or food allergies, please let us know.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions.

put it into practice

On the day after the Symposium there's a unique opportunity to join a select group of delegates that will perform the demonstrated techniques on cadaver specimen in our Master Course Oculoplastic and Periorbital Filler Anatomy. Attendance to the Symposium is included in the course fee.

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